Class Schedule




30 Hr PreLicense Course

Steps for registration:

1.  Register for any 25-hour course

2.  Register for any 5-hour test prep course


5 Hour Business and Law Course Now Available Online! Click Here

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Course Fee:  $350.00

Utah Contractor Education Textbook Included

Free Cancellations and Class Transfers


Lunch will be served 

We are unable to accomodate for food allergies and dietary restrictions


Courses taught by industry experts in each topic

(Insurance, Lien Law, Construction Management, & Accounting)


Payment Due Before Class Starts

Fee is per seat - All attendees must pay including translators, friends, spouses, family members, etc.


 We are unable to accept payment by Check

Mon - Fri 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm

All  five nights must be attended for full credit

Course Fee:  $350.00

Utah Contractor Education Textbook Included

Free Cancellations and Class Transfers


 Courses taught by industry experts in each topic

(Insurance, Lien Law, Construction Management, & Accounting)


Payment Due Before Class Starts

Fee is per seat - All attendees must pay including translators, friends, spouses, family members, etc.


 We are unable to accept payment by Check

 This course is taught in Spanish

5:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Costo del curso: $ 350.00

Se garantiza que los cursos se impartirán en la fecha y hora indicadas.

El libro de texto de educación para contratistas de Utah está incluido.


Cancelaciones y recalendarización de clases gratis

Cursos impartidos por expertos de la industria en cada tema.

(Seguros, Ley de Gravamen, Gestión de Construcción y Contabilidad)


Debe pagar antes de que comience la clase.


La tarifa es por asiento: todos los asistentes deben pagar, incluidos traductores, amigos, cónyuges, familiares, etc.


Lamentamos no poder aceptar pagos con cheque

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

 Course Fee:  $350


*This course will be broadcast from Draper* 


Utah Contractor Education Textbook Included

Free Cancellations and Class Transfers


Courses taught by industry experts in each topic

(Insurance, Lien Law, Construction Management, & Accounting)


Payment Due Before Class Starts

Fee is per seat - All attendees must pay including translators, friends, spouses, family members, etc.


 We are unable to accept payment by Check

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Course Fee:  $350.00

Utah Contractor Education Textbook Included

Free Cancellations and Class Transfers


Courses taught by industry experts in each topic

(Insurance, Lien Law, Construction Management, & Accounting)


Payment Due Before Class Starts

Fee is per seat - All attendees must pay including translators, friends, spouses, family members, etc.


We are unable to accept payment by Check

8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Course Fee:  $350.00

Utah Contractor Education Textbook Included

Free Cancellations and Class Transfers


Courses taught by industry experts in each topic

(Insurance, Lien Law, Construction Management, & Accounting)


Payment Due Before Class Starts

We are unable to accept payment by Check

Fee is per seat - All attendees must pay including translators, friends, spouses, family members, etc.

This course reviews the Business laws of the State of Utah in preparation for the Business Law Exam.

The passing of this exam is required for the R100, E100, B100 , General Plumber, Residential Plumber, General Electrical & Residential Electrical Contractors.


Utah Contractor Education Textbook Included


We are unable to accept payment by Check


This class can be taken before or after attending the 25 hour pre-license course


To register for the Utah Business Law Exam visit


Click here for testing information:


25 Hr Pre-licensing Course- Required for all New Contractor Licenses

License Renewal Pre-License Course meets the 25 hour course required to obtain a Contractors License in the State of Utah. This course is required for all New Contractor Licenses

The Business Law Exam is only required for

B100, E100, R100, E200, E201, P200, & P201 License Applicants. 

 Passing the Utah Business & Law Exam satisfies the 5-hour course requirement

Specialty Licenses only need the 25-hour class.  No test prep class needed.


 Local Hotels

Hampton Inn - Draper

13711 S. 200 W. Draper, UT 84020

For a disounted rate click here

  1. Select the check in & check out dates
  2. Click on special rates box
  3. Select “corporate account”
  4. Type code 0003288027 and hit “Done” button
  5. Hit “Check rooms & Rates” button

Questions? Call (801) 571-3700 for assistance with hotel booking